Icon Choose Welcome!

You want to lose weight for your health and confidence, but the mere thought of rejoining another slimming club tires you out. Fear not! Introducing Rebel Club™, the modern evolution of weight management, where we merge the latest science with a refreshing escape from diet culture.

• Lose weight safely & sustainably
• Transform your metabolic health
• Feel happier & more confident!

Launch date : Mon 04 March 2024.

Rebel club

Icon Team Who is it for?

Yearning for the camaraderie of a slimming club without the outdated baggage? Rebel Club™ is for men and women who crave community support with their weight loss goals, minus the stigma of diets and public weigh-ins. Picture a nurturing circle free from shaming and brimming with evidence-based approaches - that's us.

We welcome rebels of all ages, shapes, sizes and abilities, and pride ourselves on our inclusivity.

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Icon Goals What To Expect?

On joining Rebel Club™ we'll guide you through a mental health and weight assessment that allows us to identify where you are on your weight loss journey. Are you in the healing phase, recovering from diet culture and repairing your relationship with your body and food? Or are you in the training phase, fully healed and ready to start the process of losing weight?

Once we know you can then choose between two private Facebook groups, based on where you are right now...

Rebel mind phone

Icon Think Rebel Restore™

Before you can lose weight you need to lose all the stress, exhaustion and mental health issues that prevent sustainable weight loss. That's why rebels fresh out of diet culture will be invited to join Rebel Restore™, a private group focussed on reducing your stress, restoring your mental health and rebuilding your confidence after dieting. Think of this group as "pre-weight-loss", preparing you mentally and physically so that when you do start losing weight - it lasts.

Rebel mind free

Icon Mission Rebel Ready™

For those who have healed, recharged their energy and restored their mental health, Rebel Ready™ is a private group focussed on scientifically proven strategies for sustainable calorie deficit. Weight loss is more than numbers on a scale. It's the quality of weight loss that counts. That's why the Rebel Ready™ group will show you how to lose excess fat, retain muscle and lose weight in a way that is completely different to traditional slimming clubs that starve their members.

Winterwarrior Muscle

Icon Howitworks What's New?

After listening to your feedback we're delighted to introduce the following upgrades across both groups...

• Rebel Workshops - weekly workshops focussing on a specific mental health, fitness or weight loss skill.

• Rebel Connect - we've created more opportunities for rebels to connect via virtual meet ups and messenger rooms.

• Rebel Spotlights - weekly stories from rebels who have made significant progress on their weight loss journey.

• Rebel Library - all our main content and workouts archived in handy pdfs that you can download and keep.

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Why join?

"Finding Rebelfit has been absolutely life changing for me! I have changed so much as a result and am now getting fitter, stronger and leaner without stress, pressure or unrealistic goals. Thank you Rebelfit!" - Sari Kalanti

"I have just finished my first mission and I am very noticeably slimmer with a more toned, stronger looking physique and am hitting new records of reps in the gym. I’ve already signed up for the next mission and will keep making more tweaks to get that six pack within the coming months." - Lee Robinson

"Having spent 50 years going from one slimming club to another, losing a couple of stone, then binging and going back to club heavier, this has been a revelation. Rebelfit has done, in 2 months, what slimming clubs couldn't do in 50 years." - Sheila Tate

Group Support Circle

Mid Icon Join Today!

Ready to embark on a transformative journey? Join Rebel Club™ today and experience the difference for yourself!

All Mission Access

monthly subscription


• This gives you access to all available missions at any given time, including Rebel Club™.

• You are free to cancel at any time. However, your access to all missions ends on cancellation.

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Next Missions!

Our next missions launch in June 2024!

learn more

"Earlier this year the weight piled on and I didn't understand why. I was eating all of this healthy food so why was I gaining weight? So I signed up to Rebelfit thinking it would give me a push, but didn't expect to lose 7 inches in 4 weeks. It's fantastic and I can't wait for the next mission to see what I can accomplish next!"

- Carmen Gracey

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