Finally The Truth About Breakfast Is Here!
posted on: March 31, 2017. posted in: Nutrition
In the space of the last hour I've been sent links to two completely opposing pieces of advice on breakfast.
"Breakfast is the most important meal of the day" via Hashem Al-Ghaili
"Breakfast is not the most important meal of the day" via James Smith
Both sound equally convincing.
But which is right?
Well, who's ready to have their mind blown?
"Me! Me!! Blow my mind Liam!!!"
Ok, you ready?
They are both completely right.
The problem here isn't with breakfast. The problem here is with the human mind. And its inability to see that two, completely opposing pieces of advice, two completely opposing philosophies, can both be RIGHT and TRUE.
It simply depends on perspective.
Take a long, hard look at the picture below...
The object in the middle is REALITY.
Right now, none of us can see it. None of us can sense it or experience it, in any way shape or form whatsoever. Reality is invisible to the human mind.
What we see and experience in the world is simply the shadows of reality. Little hints that suggest what reality is really like. We experience these shadows with our senses then form our opinions of the world.
We commonly call these shadows TRUTHS. To repeat, they are not realty, but simply what we perceive to be reality.
One person might see the shadow to the left and claim...
"Life is a square!!"
Another person might see the shadow to the right and claim...
"No way! Life is a circle!!"
And they are both TRUE and both RIGHT at exactly the same time, it just depends on the individual's unique perspective. Where they stand in the world when viewing these shadows and forming their opinions.
Hashem Al-Ghaili may eat breakfast every day and he is all the fitter, healthier, leaner and happier for eating it. From where Hashem is standing, from his unique perspective, "breakfast is the most important meal of the day" is true.
James Smith may regularly skip breakfast and he is all the fitter, healthier, leaner and happier for skipping it. From where James is standing, from his unique perspective, "breakfast is not the most important meal of the day" is true.
And these opposing opinions, that are both simultaneously true, extend to religion, politics, relationships and life in general. What is TRUE to you may be FALSE to someone else, yet you can both be right, based on your own unique positions and perspectives of the world.
The take home message?
Nutrition, and LIFE, isn't about prescribing one-size-fits-all rules.
Telling everyone to eat breakfast or skip breakfast is not the way. The nutritionists who really get nutrition, and LIFE, will know that the "right answers" that we're all desperately searching through social media to find...
Vary from individual to individual.
I have clients who smash their goals and live very happy, healthy lives eating breakfast. And the day they skip breakfast bad things happen, to their body, their mind and their mood. For them, eating breakfast is their TRUTH.
I have clients who smash their goals and live very happy, healthy lives skipping breakfast. And the day they eat breakfast bad things happen, to their body, their mind and their mood. For them, skipping breakfast is their TRUTH.
Both are completely opposing beliefs and lifestyles, and both are right!
So rebels...
Less trying to force squares into circles and circles into squares.
It's never going to work!
Being a rebel is about searching to understand our own unique shape, whilst embracing that the shape of our lives may not be the same as others.
[If you would like help finding what works for you, please feel free to email us for a non-judgemental chat about your weight and nutrition.]