posts in Mindfulness

New way

Are you ready for the new model of health?

We've had a question on our fan page... "I've been struggling with weight and body image for a long time, probably most of my life. Quite a few years ago now I lost a lot of weight and I was also fitter and enjoyed exercise at that time, but it was diets that got me there. I did gain some weight after a few years but nothing...

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Why Do We All Accept Being Lied To?

This is one of the most important posts I'll ever write, and one of the most important messages you'll ever get from Rebelfit. It summarises all the issues we're experiencing with our mental, physical and social health right now. We live in a society ruled by money. And where there is money to be made, companies will lie,...

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Stress Eating

Is Stress Causing Your Weight Issues?

"Hey, I have a question and I don’t think there’s an answer really but interested in your take. If stressors and emotional baggage are major factors in weight issues then what happens when they can’t be handled?" Hello and welcome to Rebelfit The short answer? They absolutely can be handled, and how you handle them is going to...

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Secret Eating

When Kids Binge - Tips For Parents!

We've had a question sent to us on our fan page... "Hiya 😊 Slightly random, but I'm really in need of some advice, please. I enjoy reading your posts and I was wondering if other members also have this problem. Basically, my son keeps sneaking food. Sugary snacks to be exact. Admittedly, he is a hungry lad, always has...

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Girls Magazine

Our Children Need A New Kind Of Role Model!

Over the last few days social media has blown up with the debate around Tess Holliday appearing on the cover of Cosmopolitan magazine. I shared the magazine cover to our fan page to show our support, and as you might expect it was flooded with responses from people outraged to see a morbidly obese person being glorified in such...

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Are Parents To Blame For Rocketing Obesity?

We've had a question sent to us privately... "Please help, My daughters dad is bullying her about her weight. She is 12. She is laying in bed saying she is fat and ugly. She has been told if she loses weight he will buy her new clothes? I am to have a chat with him tomorrow about it all. I need stuff to tell him that will shut...

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Getting To The Roots Of Your Weight Gain!

I've had a bit of lightbulb moment. Or maybe that should be "plant bulb moment" 🌱😬 This time last year I was so fed up and annoyed at the state of my lawn that I decided to dig it all up and start over. Yes, I have lawn issues!! My lawn was full of weeds and bald patches and areas where it was higher or lower...

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Warning Lights

Rebelfit On Mental Health And Depression!

I'd like you to imagine driving along in your car. Now anyone who drives knows that the majority of your attention should be firmly on the road. Aware of what is in front, to the side and to the rear of your car at any given time. We look through the windshield... We look at our wing mirrors... We look at our rear view...

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Choose Your Change Carefully!

Change is hard. You know this. I know this. We all know this. Change is hard. Really hard. The other day I came home from work, opened the front door and was charged at by a very excited, very naked, two and a bit year old Lucca. "Dadddeeee!!!" he screamed as he ran at me. I picked him up and threw him in the air, but as I...

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Calorie Amnesia

Are You Suffering From Calorie Amnesia?

Yesterday, in the mission group I asked... "What do you weigh? And how many calories do you honestly think you eat a day on average? Rough guess!" Some answers. "I weigh 15 stone 8lb and think I’m eating about 2000 a day." "18.8 and about 2000 a day." "14 stone.... I think about 2000 to 2500." "18st. When I eat properly about...

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Free Yourself From Diets With Intuitive Eating!

So what is "Intuitive Eating"? I'd like you to take a moment to really take in the words that I'm writing. To consider their meaning. To really think about what I'm trying to say and the point I'm trying to make to you. Just think for 10 seconds. Have you got it yet? Did you notice it? "Notice what Liam, tell me!!" You're...

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A Rebel's Guide To Unstoppable Motivation!

Time for a little motivational story... Gather round... cross your legs... sit up straight! Once upon a time there was a farmer and that farmer had excellent seed. One day he took to the field to sow his seed, but the first part of the seed fell by the wayside and the birds got some. The farmer was angry. He...

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Is Your Indecision Making You Fat?!

Have you ever heard the famous quote... "Success is achieved only by flapping about and changing your mind every five seconds and never actually making a decision." I'm guessing you haven't. And there's a pretty good reason for this. Nothing...

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Woman Breathing

Free Yourself From The Diet-Binge Cycle!

We've had a private message sent to us... "My 40 year problem is that I tell myself everyday that I won't eat junk tomorrow !!! So today will be my last day and hence I eat and eat and then the next day I just can't stop and I again eat and eat ! This is my life when I'm not on a diet - when I'm on a diet of no sugar foods...

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Bring World Together

How We Can Heal The World After 2016!

Whatever your views. Whatever your outlook. Whatever you feel about the world in 2016... happy or sad... excited or uncertain... empowered or ignored... I think we can all agree that 2016 has been a year that will forever stand out in our history. But in the future, our children will sit in history class with their...

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Water In Boat

Are You In Denial About The Cause Of Your Weight?

Time for another little rebel story... I'd like you to imagine you're on a rowing boat. A small, wooden, fairly basic rowing boat, that you're gently rowing out to sea. You're enjoying your journey, the sound of the waves and the water, but suddenly you notice a problem. The bottom of your boat is slowing filling...

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