posts in Weight loss


The Deeply Disturbing Truth About Diets

Diet culture is incredibly persuasive and manipulative. The challenge is getting people to see this and understand this, when they're currently trapped in the vicious cycle of it all. Maybe this is you. Maybe you're trapped in diet culture and someone has directed you to Rebelfit to try and free you from it. But you just can't...

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Health - A Rebel Perspective

Once upon a time there was a security guard at a factory. One day he noticed one of the workers leaving the factory, pushing a wheelbarrow. Inside the wheelbarrow was a very small box. He stopped the worker and asked him, "what have you got in your wheelbarrow?", and the worker replied, "it's a small box". The security guard...

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Sad Ok Happy

How Do You Think About Your Body?

"Hi I’m in a good financial position now, just joined rebel weigh! looking forward to changing my life for the better. I joined slimming world at the age of 13 as I pilled on the pounds through emotional eating by being bullied constantly at school... I started putting the weight on at age 7 and at age 14 I knew I was different...

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Skin Tanning

To Control Your Weight - Understand Your Weight!

"Hi rebelfit, I was fairly slim even after having my first baby, but I was very stressed. Iv now had a second baby and he is 18 months and I’m still big, I am over weight, 12 stones! And I’m not stressed, I keep myself happy albeit very very busy with work, 2 kids and now a single mum. I’m not obsessing about my weight or what...

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Woman Fridge

The Best Explanation Of Obesity You'll Read Today!

I'd like you to imagine you own a very small fridge. You go out shopping. You stock up on lots of fresh food. Then you fill up your small fridge when you get home. Over the week you eat from that fridge, and as the contents slowly runs out, you gradually refill it. Fill the small fridge. Eat from the small fridge. Refill the...

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Could Overeaters Anonymous Help You Lose Weight?

"I have a question, I have never dieted, the closest thing I found potentially helpful was the OA overeaters anonymous program, I just haven't stuck with it. I like it because it's not a diet and it's more of a life program, is your training twelve step friendly? As I would like to continue maintaining through OA once I have...

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Diet Confusion

If Diets Don't Work How Do You Lose Weight?

"If diets don't work, how the hell do you lose weight and keep it off? So, for background, I lost over 6 stone on slimming world after I had my second child. After returning back to work when he was around 11 months and I wasn't walking miles and miles a day with my push chair any more the weight started creeping on. Skip to...

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Stress Eating

Is Stress Causing Your Weight Issues?

"Hey, I have a question and I don’t think there’s an answer really but interested in your take. If stressors and emotional baggage are major factors in weight issues then what happens when they can’t be handled?" Hello and welcome to Rebelfit The short answer? They absolutely can be handled, and how you handle them is going to...

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Do You Keep Falling For This Diet Trick?

Science has proven, beyond doubt, that diets, in all forms, have a 95% failure rate. It doesn't matter which diet you try, or what the rules or style of that diet are, 95 out of every 100 people who try it will regain the weight. So why, when we know there is such a monumentally high failure rate, do diets remain so incredibly...

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Why Intermittent Fasting Won't Work For You!

"Hi Liam, I recently read the Fast Feast Repeat book about Intermittent Fasting, most of it made a lot of sense. What is your opinion of it? Does the restriction side of the fasting go against rebel fit? Thanks." Hi Jenny, thank you for your question :) Part of overcoming diet culture is overcoming the ridiculous belief that...

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Temporal Delusion

Can Temporal Delusion Cause Weight Gain?

Picture the scene. You're a veteran dieter and seriously considering your 5th round of [insert slimming club] in as many years. You try diets. You fail diets. You regain after diets. Then you repeat the same miserable, confidence destroying process all over again. "If only I can find the perfect diet!" you think. So you grab a...

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Obesity Doctor

We Need To Change How We Think About Obesity!

If you've seen today's news there are calls for it to be reclassified as a disease, and as you'd expect this has triggered a lot of passionate debate. I've been studying obesity and working one-to-one with obese people for many years, so here's my take on it. The problem is language. The English language has a really bad habit...

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Women Rugby

An Open Letter To The HAES Community

Dear HAES followers Some of you may have had the opportunity to witness an ongoing debate that keeps occurring on our fan page, between Rebelfit and HAES practitioners / followers. I think a good place to start is where all human beings should start when they have a difference of opinion. By asking... What do we have in...

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Blaming Fat

Let's Stop Blaming Fat For Disease!

We've had a question sent to us privately... "Can I ask a question?. My dad died from liver cancer at 56. The cirrhosis in his liver was so bad that they presumed he was an alcoholic and had been for years. My dad drank at Xmas and the occasional party, nothing else. They concluded that because men carry weight more around the...

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Diet Brain

Why We Lose Motivation And What To Do About It!

We've had a question sent to us privately... "Morning- I’ve been following for a while but went to sign up this morning and start KB again this week. I have just sat down to look at planning weeks meals and gathered all the books. So, I’m 44 haven’t done WW since 2004 for my wedding and know what’s good for me but in the last 4...

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Tape Mouth

Why You Struggle To Control Overeating!

We've had a question on our fan page... "What happens if you don’t diet and you just over eat? How do you control that." All overeating has its roots in caloric uncertainty. Which means that if you overeat, somewhere in your past or present your calorie intake has been uncertain. Your brain has been convinced that you might run...

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Are You Starving Yourself Fat?!

A little lesson on how we get fat... I'd like you to imagine a world without banks, or credit cards or any form of digital currency. This world is cold, hard cash only, in the form of notes that people carry around with them. However... You can't deposit the notes anywhere. You can't hide them under your mattress. The only...

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Are Parents To Blame For Rocketing Obesity?

We've had a question sent to us privately... "Please help, My daughters dad is bullying her about her weight. She is 12. She is laying in bed saying she is fat and ugly. She has been told if she loses weight he will buy her new clothes? I am to have a chat with him tomorrow about it all. I need stuff to tell him that will shut...

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Getting To The Roots Of Your Weight Gain!

I've had a bit of lightbulb moment. Or maybe that should be "plant bulb moment" 🌱😬 This time last year I was so fed up and annoyed at the state of my lawn that I decided to dig it all up and start over. Yes, I have lawn issues!! My lawn was full of weeds and bald patches and areas where it was higher or lower...

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The Hidden Reason You're Gaining Weight!

I'd like you to imagine that you're walking through town on a bustling, busy evening, perusing the options for a place to eat. You walk passed lots of different restaurants. Some look fairly empty. Some look fairly busy. Some look absolutely packed. If someone was to stop and ask you in that moment... "Why are some restaurants...

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