posts in Weight loss


A Rebel's Guide To Food Addiction!

If you've ever taken part in a Rebelfit mission you will have learned about the six different "eating cues" that drive us to eat and overeat.Appetite - feeling hungryCraving - feeling cravingsEmotion - feeling emotionsEnvironment - where you liveCulture - how you liveSocial - who you live withThe first three are "internal...

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Time For A Little Lesson On Getting Leaner!

I'd like you to imagine a sponge.Now imagine popping that sponge in your pocket and walking around with it all day, everyday, everywhere you go.When your sponge is dry...Your body is burning fat 🔥When your sponge is wet...Your body is storing fat 💧Only when your sponge is completely dry does your body start...

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Woman Stressed

Why Can't I Control My Food Habits For Longer?!

We've had a question sent to us privately... [warning: this post contains some swearing, not mine!] "I am tired. Tired of worrying about my weight. Tired if trying the fads - and wow have I tried them all . . . WW, SW, Cambridge, Lighter Life, Dukan, Atkins. Fuck me. I was chubby as a child, an emotional eater by the age 10 (my...

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Teen Scales

A Letter To Young Slimmers In Britain!

Dear Young Slimmer This message is for you if you're between the age of 16 and 25 and you're just celebrating your first successful weight loss attempt with Weight Watchers, Slimming World, Lighterlife, The Cambridge Plan or any other mainstream diet. Things feel good right now. I know they do. I get it. You were overweight,...

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Weight Stigma

How Stigmatising Obesity Creates Obesity!

Pleasure. We all need it. We all find it in different ways. But how you find it can have a huge impact on your weight, shape, health, happiness and life. One of the most fascinating theories I've ever come across is the concept of a "pleasure budget". The theory goes that human beings need a certain amount of pleasure in our...

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Food Guilt

This Simple Mindset Shift Could Change Your Life!

A little weight loss lesson... It's not what you eat, but how you THINK about what you eat that matters. Let's take a simple food. A biscuit. Now if you're at peace with the biscuit, relaxed about the biscuit, even grateful for the biscuit, it's highly likely that if you ate a biscuit, or even a packet of biscuits, you'd move...

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Spot Reduction

Targeted Fat Loss: Myth Or Reality?

We've had a question in our private mission groups. "Potentially a really daft question so apologies.... So over the last three months since losing weight I’ve been working really hard on my fitness. I took a photo of myself at the beginning of these three months and one yesterday. I knew I’d lost some cms but was surprised at...

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How To Stop Losing Weight Like A Dick!

[warning: this post contains some moderately graphic imagery and some swearing! please look away now if you're easily offended!] I'm pretty sure that if you've followed the Rebelfit fan page or done one of our missions, you'll know that all weight loss comes down to energy balance. We've got one side of this equation that is...

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Calorie Amnesia

Are You Suffering From Calorie Amnesia?

Yesterday, in the mission group I asked... "What do you weigh? And how many calories do you honestly think you eat a day on average? Rough guess!" Some answers. "I weigh 15 stone 8lb and think I’m eating about 2000 a day." "18.8 and about 2000 a day." "14 stone.... I think about 2000 to 2500." "18st. When I eat properly about...

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How Starving Your Body Fattens Your Body!

We've had a question on our fan page... "Hi Liam, I don't know if you have been asked this before. If our bodies are constantly adapting to changes and we are staying consistent for years with training, a healthy diet and maintaining a certain weight, wouldn't our mind and body eventually accept that weight as our set point?" A...

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Mind Blown - A Brief History Of Obesity!

Once upon a time there were our hunter gatherer ancestors. They died a lot. Usually of STARVATION. The ones who survived? The ones who were really good at storing excess fat, which could be used as fuel during times of famine. Every time a famine came along, causing them to EAT LESS to save food and EXERCISE MORE to find food,...

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Rebel Guns

A Letter To All My Friends About Rebelfit!

Dear Friends So you've seen i've started this CRAZY new diet. Well, to be honest, I'm not quite clear about the science behind it just yet. I'm just getting starting and I'm still learning. But what I can tell you is this. It just seems to make sense. But to help you understand it a bit more here's an example. I'd like to...

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Car Heat

Is Perfectionism Making You Fat?!

Do you start diets or fitness plans, fall off them, then beat yourself up for not being perfect? Then binge for the rest of the week because you'll "start fresh" next Monday? Meanwhile piling on more fat than you lost while you were "on it"? Here's a little rant for all the perfectionists out there. [warning: a gentle...

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Women Pasta

How Do People Lose Weight Eating Free Food?!

"How do people lose weight on slimming world (in the short term at least) if they get all this free food they can eat tons of? This is a genuine question.. I don't understand!x" Imagine spending many weeks, months and years overspending, until you're in a large amount of debt. You seek help. And on the advice of your friend you...

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Diet Trap

Are You Stuck In The Diet Web?!

"Currently going around in circles on Slimming World / Cambridge Plan / binge eating HELP!" Thank you for getting in touch! Let me take a wild guess. Are those circles... Losing weight, feeling great, feeling like it's working? Then suddenly craving more, binging more and piling it all back on? If this sounds familiar then...

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After After

How Slimming Clubs Deliberately Make You Fatter!

Did you know that every time you go on a diet, from Weight Watchers to Slimming World to LighterLife, you raise your set point weight? If you're not sure what this means, let me just take a minute to explain. The moment you start dieting, you create a very large caloric deficit (shortage of calories) which forces your body...

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Weight Loss For Dummies!

I'd like you to imagine a shopping trip. But this is no ordinary shopping trip. This is a rebel shopping trip that only involves cold, hard cash, no cards! There is £10 in your hand. There is £100 in your purse....

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An Open Letter To Slimming World About Consistency!

Dear Slimming World Below is a response you sent to someone on your page when she questioned you about why you removed Porky Lights from your database. Consistency. noun. "Consistent behaviour or treatment." Interesting. Because on the basis that you're...

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Should You Be Counting Calories For Weight Loss?

We've had a question sent to us privately... "Hi Liam! I just read your post about no foods being healthy vs unhealthy and it clicked home to me! I've done SW! and every single time I do, I just want a potato waffle! Or maybe 10! When I'm eating 'normally' I'm not bothered! My question to you is, should I be calorie counting?...

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Why Appetite Is Your Greatest Fat Loss Weapon!

We've had a response on our page... "I rarely feel hungry, then get told I'm not eating enough! Can't seem to win." Ok, I have two questions. What is "feeling hot"? And what is "feeling cold"? Feeling hot is your body sensing temperature and creating a SENSATION to tell you that the...

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