To Control Your Weight - Understand Your Weight!
posted on: October 04, 2020. posted in: Weight loss, Nutrition
"Hi rebelfit, I was fairly slim even after having my first baby, but I was very stressed. Iv now had a second baby and he is 18 months and I’m still big, I am over weight, 12 stones! And I’m not stressed, I keep myself happy albeit very very busy with work, 2 kids and now a single mum. I’m not obsessing about my weight or what I’m eating, I try to be conscious but still enjoy my life and socialise. What is going wrong for me? Why was I thin when stressed and obsessed with calorie counting and fad diets such as herbal life? And not thin now that I’m content in my own mind?"
Hello and welcome to Rebelfit 😊
To understand this you really need to sign up to Rebel Weigh™. This isn't a hard sell. This isn't me trying to take your money. This is me seeing yet another person who doesn't understand set point weight...
Tortured by their set point weight.
Imagine seeing millions of people obsessing about their skin, and panicking when it becomes darker in the sun. Then feeling ashamed and stressed, to the point where they try to bleach their skin, harming themselves in the process.
"Hi, I used to have light skin, but since I moved to Spain it's been getting so much darker and I can't understand why?! I really hate myself for it, I'm such a bad person! I tried doing Herbal Skin but it just burnt my skin and made me feel even worse about myself! Why when I was in England was my skin ok, but now I live in Spain my skin is awful?! How can I be light and pure, please help?!"
And as you hear about all that panic and stress and self-harm through skin bleaching, you're thinking...
"No! Stop! You just need to understand the science! Your skin is naturally getting darker through a process called TANNING! It's a pigment in the skin that is perfectly healthy and natural, that's there to protect you! Stop bleaching your skin! Just learn the science and you'll feel a whole lot better about it!! Darker skin is ok! It's only our messed up skin culture that tells us we should be pure white!!"
Well, that's me.
Except with weight.
"No! Stop! You just need to understand the science! Your body is naturally getting heavier through a process called METABOLIC ADAPTATION! It's your body increasing your weight and fat in a perfectly healthy way, to protect you! Stop dieting! Just learn the science and you'll feel a whole lot better about it! Being 12 stone is ok! It's only our messed up diet culture that tells us we should be 8 stone!!"
Veteran rebels will be reading this and understanding this and 100 times more relaxed about their weight than you.
And because they're 100 times more relaxed? They're 100 times more capable of controlling their weight, if they choose to, via The Lower Set Point Path.
But to get to that level of calmness and relaxation, they've needed to complete Rebel Weigh™.
That's exactly what the mission is for!!
Erasing all the panic, stress, misinformation and confusion you have about your weight. Then giving you the knowledge, science and education required to understand your unique set point weight.
Then you can change it.
If you want to.
p.s. I can't emphasise enough, if you're confused by your weight. If you're stressed by your weight. If you don't understand why you keep gaining weight. YOU NEED REBEL WEIGH™!! It's real science. It will change your life. Book your place today! »