The Difference Between Dieting And Nutrition!
posted on: February 22, 2017. posted in: Nutrition
Not many know the difference. Some people think they're the same thing. A few people even come to this page and say...
"Rebelfit is a diet! You're no different to Slimming World!"
Ouch ;)
So let's settle this one the best way I know.
With a little rebel story!
I'd like you to imagine a bailiff who visits you every day. And whenever this bailiff leaves, they TAKE something away.
One day they might TAKE your jumper. Another day they might take your watch. Another day they might TAKE a few household ornaments. You're cool with them taking these things, because you're in debt. But after a while you start to preempt it.
When you know they're coming round, you hide your favourite pair of heels in a cupboard. You hide that dvd you were planning to watch tonight under the sofa. You keep your jewellery stuffed down your pants, just in case they try to TAKE it.
The more this bailiff visits, the more you hide, store away and hold onto your most precious possessions. Because you're anxious they might TAKE them away from you.
Now I'd like you to imagine a friend who visits you every day. But whenever this friend arrives, they GIVE you something.
One day they might GIVE you a jumper. Another day they might GIVE you a watch. Another day they might GIVE you a few household ornaments. All of which are great. But after a while you start running out of room for it all.
When you know they're coming round, you sell as many possessions as possible, to make space for the new possessions you know your friend is about to GIVE you.
The more this friend visits, the more you sell, give away and relinquish your most precious possessions. Because you're confident they will GIVE you new ones.
Have you got it yet?
The bailiff is DIETING.
Because dieting is about restriction, banning foods, cutting foods, and taking food away from your body. All of which stimulate adaptations in your body and mind that make you hold onto and store calories.
The friend is NUTRITION.
Because nutrition is about fuelling, discovering foods, filling up on foods, and giving nutrients to your body. All of which stimulate adaptations in your body and mind that make you burn off and release calories.
The dieter asks...
"What foods can I cut out this week?"
The nutritionist asks...
"What foods can I add in this week?"
The dieter asks...
"What's the fastest way to starve my body?"
The nutritionist asks...
"What's the most sustainable way to nourish my body?"
Dieting and nutrition are polar opposites.
Dieting is cold, nutrition is warm. Dieting is weak, nutrition is strong. Dieting is short term, nutrition is long term. Dieting is panicking, nutrition is calming.
And most importantly of all...
From an obesity perspective...
Dieting is training your body to STORE FAT.
Nutrition is training your body to BURN FAT.
So rebels, now you know the difference...
Can you see why the restriction and deprivation that comes with dieting inevitably leads to binging and obesity? Whereas the fuelling and nourishing that comes with nutrition inevitably leads to fullness and fat loss?
[If you'd like to learn more about how we can help, please feel free to email us for a non-judgemental conversation about your weight and nutrition.]