Time For A Very Rude Nutrition Lesson!
posted on: June 24, 2017. posted in: Nutrition
[Warning: If you are offended by willies and balls, do not read on because you might have a heart attack!]
I'd like you to imagine you could design your perfect guy. Like one of those kiddies puzzles, you can pick a head, a chest, shoulders, arms, a stomach, legs... oh yes... and a willy and some balls.
So in this game of designing your perfect guy, you can swap different parts around until you've created something that works!
You can swap the head...
You can swap the chest...
You can swap the arms...
And so on.
You can even swap the willy and the balls.
With 100s of different options for each body part, and 1000s of potential combinations that make up the whole.
At all times you are looking at the BIG PICTURE. You might swap the head for a better looking head, or swap the chest for bigger or smaller pecs, or the arms for bigger or smaller biceps.
But every time you make a change...
You step back...
You see how it all looks together...
And you assess the BODY AS A WHOLE.
Soon enough you notice a pattern.
Some heads might be really good looking, but they're too small to go with your favourite shoulders. Some chests might be strong and defined, but they don't go with your favourite arms.
As you keep chopping and changing you realise that everything has to work together, which means you have to start sacrificing body parts you really like, in order to create something that works as a whole.
And so...
It doesn't matter how attractive an individual body part is, it has to work together with the rest of the body.
And nutrition is the same!
It doesn't matter how healthy an individual food is, it has to work together with the rest of your nutrition.
Imagine for a moment you found the most beautiful willy, that everyone agreed was the best looking willy they've ever seen. But if you then slotted that willy into your perfect guy puzzle and it looked ridiculously big or small, then it's not a good willy for you.
It just doesn't fit!!!
Imagine for a moment you found the most healthy food, that everyone agreed was super nutritious and good for you. But if you then slotted that food into your nutrition and it was too little or too much, then it's not a good food for you.
It just doesn't fit!!!
What makes guys attractive isn't their individual body parts, but how their body parts work together as a whole. And what makes nutrition healthy isn't the individual foods, but how those foods work together as a whole.
So let's stop arguing whether foods are "healthy" or "unhealthy" and start assessing how foods work together as a whole.
And here's the clincher...
You might create your perfect guy, and someone else might claim he's ugly! But he ticks all the right boxes for you, even though his willy is a bit squiffy and his balls are somewhat small.
You might create your perfect nutrition, and someone else might claim it's unhealthy! But it ticks all the right boxes for you, even though it's high in fat but a bit lower in protein.
The take home message?
If you asked 100 people to design their perfect guy, you would see 100 completely different guys, with body parts in a variety of shapes and sizes, all working perfectly together to create 100 perfect wholes.
What is attractive for 1 person, might not be attractive to the other 99, but what does it matter, it works for them!
So I ask you...
Isn't it about time we approached food the same?
p.s. If you'd like to learn more about nutrition, we'll be covering this in great detail on our next mission, as well as teaching you how to design your own nutrition plan! Find out more by joining the Summer Strip Warm Up group!