rebelfit blog

supporting you in your mission to keep control of your body & nutrition.


Are Parents To Blame For Rocketing Obesity?

We've had a question sent to us privately... "Please help, My daughters dad is bullying her about her weight. She is 12. She is laying in bed saying she is fat and ugly. She has been told if she loses weight he will buy her new clothes? I am to have a chat with him tomorrow about it all. I need stuff to tell him that will shut...

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Getting To The Roots Of Your Weight Gain!

I've had a bit of lightbulb moment. Or maybe that should be "plant bulb moment" 🌱😬 This time last year I was so fed up and annoyed at the state of my lawn that I decided to dig it all up and start over. Yes, I have lawn issues!! My lawn was full of weeds and bald patches and areas where it was higher or lower...

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Warning Lights

Rebelfit On Mental Health And Depression!

I'd like you to imagine driving along in your car. Now anyone who drives knows that the majority of your attention should be firmly on the road. Aware of what is in front, to the side and to the rear of your car at any given time. We look through the windshield... We look at our wing mirrors... We look at our rear view...

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The Hidden Reason You're Gaining Weight!

I'd like you to imagine that you're walking through town on a bustling, busy evening, perusing the options for a place to eat. You walk passed lots of different restaurants. Some look fairly empty. Some look fairly busy. Some look absolutely packed. If someone was to stop and ask you in that moment... "Why are some restaurants...

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A Rebel's Guide To Food Addiction!

If you've ever taken part in a Rebelfit mission you will have learned about the six different "eating cues" that drive us to eat and overeat.Appetite - feeling hungryCraving - feeling cravingsEmotion - feeling emotionsEnvironment - where you liveCulture - how you liveSocial - who you live withThe first three are "internal...

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Choose Your Change Carefully!

Change is hard. You know this. I know this. We all know this. Change is hard. Really hard. The other day I came home from work, opened the front door and was charged at by a very excited, very naked, two and a bit year old Lucca. "Dadddeeee!!!" he screamed as he ran at me. I picked him up and threw him in the air, but as I...

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Time For A Little Lesson On Getting Leaner!

I'd like you to imagine a sponge.Now imagine popping that sponge in your pocket and walking around with it all day, everyday, everywhere you go.When your sponge is dry...Your body is burning fat 🔥When your sponge is wet...Your body is storing fat 💧Only when your sponge is completely dry does your body start...

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How To Combat Your Pre-Menstrual Hunger!

We've had a question sent to us... "How can I combat pre-menstrual hunger?! For the week before I'm so hungry and craving anything sweet!" Hello and welcome to Rebelfit 😊 You don't combat pre-menstrual hunger. You go with it and work with it. A large part of the reason we have an obesity epidemic is that people are...

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Woman Stressed

Why Can't I Control My Food Habits For Longer?!

We've had a question sent to us privately... [warning: this post contains some swearing, not mine!] "I am tired. Tired of worrying about my weight. Tired if trying the fads - and wow have I tried them all . . . WW, SW, Cambridge, Lighter Life, Dukan, Atkins. Fuck me. I was chubby as a child, an emotional eater by the age 10 (my...

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Teen Scales

A Letter To Young Slimmers In Britain!

Dear Young Slimmer This message is for you if you're between the age of 16 and 25 and you're just celebrating your first successful weight loss attempt with Weight Watchers, Slimming World, Lighterlife, The Cambridge Plan or any other mainstream diet. Things feel good right now. I know they do. I get it. You were overweight,...

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Weight Stigma

How Stigmatising Obesity Creates Obesity!

Pleasure. We all need it. We all find it in different ways. But how you find it can have a huge impact on your weight, shape, health, happiness and life. One of the most fascinating theories I've ever come across is the concept of a "pleasure budget". The theory goes that human beings need a certain amount of pleasure in our...

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Food Guilt

This Simple Mindset Shift Could Change Your Life!

A little weight loss lesson... It's not what you eat, but how you THINK about what you eat that matters. Let's take a simple food. A biscuit. Now if you're at peace with the biscuit, relaxed about the biscuit, even grateful for the biscuit, it's highly likely that if you ate a biscuit, or even a packet of biscuits, you'd move...

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