posts in Nutrition


So What If It's Only Made Of 4 Ingredients?!

[warning: this is one of those slightly sweary rebelfit rants, so please take with a pinch of salt!] Seriously, this boils my piss. "Oooo! A clean brownie, made of only 4 ingredients! Which means you can eat 5 of them guilt free!!!" What kind of nutrition is this? Which school of nutrition nobheads thought this up?...

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Will You Make This Mistake This Christmas?

Picture the scene. It's January. A new year and a new start. But instead of all the usual resolutions to better yourself, you decide to GIVE UP SEX. And not just sex. All sexual activity, including that performed on yourself. No sex. No self-hornification. Nothing. For the whole of 2017....

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Nutella Balls

A Challenge For Juice Plus Reps!

Dear Juice Plus Rep I'm going to be honest. Brutally honest. I'm trying my hardest to be nice on this blog. I've got a bad reputation for ranting, swearing and generally getting pissed off at the nonsense spouted by the food and diet industry. Nonsense like Juice Plus. But every so often, just when I'm...

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Slimming World - Stop Hurting Nutrition Fairies!

[Warning: This is one of our famous sweary rants. Please take the language with a pinch of salt, or if you're easily offended, look away now.]We've had a request from Helen... "Can you summarise what exactly it is you disagree with? I tried to read your post but it was too long and ranting! I am interested in what you think is...

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Butter In Pan

Ending The Confusion Over Fat!

[Warning: This is a rude one! Please either take this with a pinch of salt, or look away now if you're easily offended!] People are confused by the debate on fat. And it's pretty obvious from all the conflicting advice we're receiving, that the people who are most confused are the EXPERTS themselves. How are people...

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Nutrition Made So Simple, It's Obvious!

Nutrition can be pretty damn confusing at times. And with all the noise and opinions and "experts" claiming to have the magic formula.... and with all of them CONTRADICTING each other... It's no wonder people are pretty frustrated with it. What you're about to learn is "nutrition 101", the first step on...

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Green Pills

How Juice Plus Fools Its Customers!

We had a question sent to us privately... "Hi Liam- I have been following you for a while now and love your posts & agree with almost all you say! However the Juice Plus remark hit a nerve!! I eat 3 clean meals a day, I exercise and train at the gym and yes I have Juice Plus shakes which are natural plant protein based...

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3 Fun Ways To Deal With Juice Plus Reps!

We've all been there.Seen a friend request icon pop up.Felt a little buzz of excitement.Thought...."Oooo! I wonder who that is?! Maybe it's an old school friend?? Or my old school bully, desperate to apologise and tell me all about how great my life is compared to theirs!! Or maybe it's that hunky guy / hot girl I met at Salsa...

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How Boobs Can Help You Eat Better!

I've got a little challenge for you.Imagine meeting someone who has never seen or felt or experienced a boob before. I know, I know, we all have. But stick with me on this and just imagine this person has no concept of a boob's shape, size or anything else about it. To them a boob is a complete unknown.So here's your...

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Please Leave My Banana Alone!

Time for a little rant... Because there seems to be a wave of "nutritionists" out there picking on my poor little banana 😭 Yes, my banana is of modest proportions. Yes, my banana has a little bit of a kink in it. And yes... my wife will confirm... My banana has got a little bit softer with age. But for all my little...

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How Muscles Make Your Dresses Fit Better!

After our previous post about Slimming Clubs wrecking dieter's bodies by encouraging weight loss rather than fat loss, it's clear from your responses many people don't get the difference. Hopefully the following rebel story will help! Once upon a time, in a land far far away, there was a young maiden called Cinderella. She...

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Why Is Nutrition So Bloody Confusing?!

It is though, isn't it? One day you're being told to cut all the fat from your diet, then the next you're being told to eat avocados drizzled with coconut oil. Another day you're being told to eat porridge because it's super-healthy, then the next you're being told never to touch carbs because they turn you into a big fatty bom...

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